[独家] DOTA2邀请赛 AL|Orange喜获邀请函
发表时间:2012-05-12 作者:佚名 编辑:小麦 来源:网络
【叶子猪电竞(电子竞技频道)频道独家编译,转载请注明出处。】 Valve DOTA2官方已经发出两个新的邀请名额: 在 对于澳大利亚劲旅AL来说,第二届DOTA2(dota2比赛视频)国际邀请赛这个线下大型赛事(电竞赛事)会让他们不会去担心网络延迟,从而能够尽力发挥。而Orange战队(电竞明星战队)的出现,也让东南亚接受邀请的队伍的名额增加至两个。剩下12支队伍将会在不久就会公布出来。 第二届DOTA2国际邀请赛官方确认队伍: 【原文】 Two new invites for the International in Seattle are out: absolute Legends from Australia and Orange from Malaysia are in. After Na'Vi and DK, team absolute Legends and team Orange are the third and the fourth in the tournament. The International 2 will be held in Seattle in the Benaroya Hall, a concert hall, from August 31st to September 2nd. For the Australians from absolute Legends, The International 2 is one of the view possibilities to show their strength under LAN-conditions, with a fair lag situation. Team Orange increases the number of Asian teams in the tournament to two. Twelve other teams will receive an invite for the event in Seattle. Confirmed teams of The International 2: 本文由叶子猪电子竞技频道首发:http://esports.yzz.cn/xinwen/201205-469434.shtml |
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